New Organic Fertilizers Pte Ltd

New Organic Fertilizers Pte Ltd (NOFPL) is a registered company looking for a joint venture partnership towards a proposed Organic Manure Manufacturing Project which will be established in a tax-free zone in Fiji. The company seeks an investor who can inject FJ$1.5m initial capital in the proposed project with a 50% equity stake in the company and expected ROI of 20%.
Capital investment: FJ$1.5M
Seeking Partnership: 50%
Return on Investment: 20%
More Information
NOFPL intends to set up an organic manure Manufacturing Plant and manufacture organic manure out of abattoir wastes, fish factory wastes, deteriorating food and fruit wastes (green wastes), etc. Market segment will include farmers, individuals, businesses such as supermarkets and the export markets. NOFPL will be working with relevant local government authorities, households and businesses to amass raw materials for production.
• FJ$3m Expected Gross Income per Year
• FJ$0.75m Expected Loan
• FJ$2.1m Expected Expenses per Year
• 30% Profit Margin
• FJ$1.5m Sales by End of Second Year
• FJ$7.2m Sales by end of Fifth Year