Kula Wild Adventure Park

Sigatoka, Fiji
For Sale : FJD $7.26m
Property Description
Kula Wild Adventure Park is located at Korotogo about 7 km south-east of Sigatoka Town towards Suva. Korotogo is a prime area for tourism, being centrally located to all major hotels/resorts on the Coral Coast. The Park land tenure is freehold which provides greater security to locals and investors alike. In addition to the 30.41 acre Park, this offer includes a 3-bedroom executive residence and a guest cottage, both with magnificent ocean views, on an additional 4.6 acres of freehold land. The asking price for the combined package is FJD $7.26m
Property Details
Property Type: Family Fun Park & Owner’s Residence
Land Type : Freehold
Size: 35 Acres
Central Complex
This single story main building is 262 sqm housing the Park entry Reception area, a Gift Shop and Administration offices. There are ablution facilities, an animal interaction area plus a full commercial kitchen serving the Hawksbill Café, a 115.54 sqm terrace/dining area.
Land & Sea building
This 166 sqm single story structure houses displays of shells, insects, and freshwater fish. It also contains four 3,000 liter displays of soft coral, hard coral & tropical fish. To the rear is the Life Support Centre for the saltwater displays. Just outside the building is a Reef Pool displaying juvenile sea turtles and tropical fish.
Raptor Display
This 120 sqm single story structure contains four habitat displays for Fiji raptors.
Canopy Flyer
High in the forest canopy is a unique zip rail ride. This allows visitors to ride the rail, twisting and turning through the forest, around trees, down to the riverbed’s landing platform. Kula’s Crazy Canopy Flier is the only roller-coaster zip rail in Fiji.
Parrot Aviary
This 220 sqm walk-through open Aviary displays Fiji’s shining parrots in 3 separate habitats.
Iguana/Flying Fox Display 、
This 229 sqm building is a walk-through area exhibiting displays of Iguanas and fruit bats observed from a central walkway.
Avian Aviary
This 194 sqm walk-through open Aviary consists of 3 open habitats displaying a variety of birds viewed from a central walkway.
Kiddies Splash Pool & the pool side Splash Cafe
This open area in the forest includes a 72 sqm single story building housing a commercial kitchen and the service area of the Splash Café. It also houses ablution facilities, changing rooms and guest lockers. The Café seating area is on the pool deck surrounding the kiddies splash pool which has slides and sprays plus a dump bucket that fires every few minutes.
Avian Aviary No. 2
This 150 sqm Open aviary features a walkway to its centre for observing the display of various bird species.
Jungle Water Slide
This 110 meter long waterslide starts from an elevated platform and twists and turns down the hill side, flies over a stream and lands near to the Splash Café.
Diet Center, Staff room & Workshop
Outside the Public area of the park, this 123 sqm single story structure accommodates the animal diet centre kitchen, a workshop area and staff-room/storage plus a maintenance office.
Falcon House/Cyclone shelter
This is a large structure with a total main building floor area of 184 sqm. It was previously used for a Falcon breeding program. At present it is used as a storage space. Next to it is a reinforced cyclone shelter with a standby generator, washroom and lounge.