Loloma Resort

Vanua Levu, Fiji
For Sale : Offer Now
Property Description
Description The proposed project is quite comprehensive and includes 1528 acres on an outright purchase or joint venture or smaller blocks on a joint venture or lease arrangement for any number of tourism related ventures or recreational, agricultural or scientific/educational undertakings.
The site has been approved by government for an “integrated resort development” which allows for hotels, residential subdivision, commercial recreation, marina, and any number of other resort-commercial enterprises.
The property also possesses a vast array of features and land-forms that would lend to an exceptional private retreat for a discerning individual or group. The property offers complete privacy and security, deep water for yachting, helipad location, and possibilities for nearby off-site air-strip that could accommodate up to midsized corporate jets.
The land is freehold (known as fee simple in some countries) and completely free of any liens, encumbrances, loans, or caveats and is owned by a California Corporation that is in good standing. This allows for the transfer of ownership to the land by either an outright land purchase or, a purchase of all or a controlling interest in the stock of the ownership Corporation. CPS realty Fiji, the owner of the land, is a California corporation and duly registered to do business in Fiji and has done so for thirty years.
Property Details
Property Type: Resort
Land Type : Freehold
Size: 1528 Acres
More info It is presumed that any perspective investor, buyer or joint venture partner would want to do their own feasibility assessment and marketing surveys but the current owner has prepared various components of a feasibility study and marketing data including comparable rates for the existing resorts on vanua levu.
In this day of environmental awareness and concern, this property possesses attributes that could certainly be considered positive factors in providing “competitive advantages” over other resort development projects in Fiji and elsewhere in the world. Diloi and Nukudamu plantations, the local names for our property, contain a 1,000-acre rainforest with all the recreational and resort related ramifications of that feature as well as being able to lay claim to an environmental asset, rain forest hat is diminishing worldwide at a very rapid pace.
This property epitomizes what one would hope to expect from an “eco-tourism” oriented development. Loloma resort is defined by environmental marvels, streams & creeks; majestic 80 feet tall hardwood trees; exotic flora; waterfalls and white-sand beaches.